Wednesday, December 29, 2010

How to change a tyre

Anybody driving car,  should know the safety procedure about the vehicle that he uses . So now I`m going to explain the steps if your car tyre blows out and you are in a remote area and there is no garage.

Firstly, the nuts of the wheels are to be loosened and your car should be on the ground. Then the car is lifted by the jack. Next, the nuts are removed. After that the damaged tyre is replaced and the new tyre is fixed in. Then the nuts are tightened. Next that the car is lowered and the nuts are tightened. Finally the old tyre is put pack to the trunk and you can go ahead with your car

        As you see from what I have written, the procedure may show easy steps but in reality needs strong people; that means it’s difficult for women to do this especially if the car is 4 wheel drive.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

How orange juice is made
For a long time people like to drink orange juice .The orange is rich in vitamin C .People drink to be more  healthy. Now, I am going to explain to you all the steps for making orange juice.
Firstly, the fruit is unloaded from trucks. The second step is the fruit it graded and washed. After that, the fruit is sized. Then, the juice is extracted. Then, the waste is fed to the animals. After that, the juice is evaporated at high temperature for a short time. Next, the concentrate juice is sent to refrigerated storage. Then, the orange juice is sent to the canning machine. After that, the juice is bottled and shipped. Then, the concentrated juice is sent to Dubai. Then, the water is added to the concentrate. Finally, the orange juice bottles are sent to the market.
In conclusion, as you see making orange juice is not difficult if you follow the procedure step by step. It is very easy.
( 169 WORDS )

Thursday, December 23, 2010

National day
This weekend I celebrated national day in Dubai and it was a three days holiday and I joined a cars in Jumeirah Street. Which one the long and the best in that area.
The first day of the holiday, we left Abu Dhabi afternoon and drove to Dubai. The drive took us about an hour. We checked into Le-Royal Meridian Hotel which is near to Jumeirah Walks. It is a wonderful place and it attracts a lot of people and it has a lot of shops and restaurants with an amazing beach. On evening we drove to Jumeirah Street to join the procession of cars. People were happy and danced. Suddenly a group of boys walked between the cars and they were wearing masks. They started spraying the people who were in the cars. Other people were making smoke from the wheels by pressing the accelerator and braking at the sometime. Whereas others made music and sang. On the next street some people were taking pictures. Some of the people were wearing the UAE flag whereas others wore logos with the picture of Sheikh Khalifa. It was a funny and dangerous way to explain how we were happy on this day. At the end of the day we went to Jumeira Walks and we had a delicious dinner.
It was a wonderful day. I hope we have another one the same as this day.
( 235 words )

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A Journey from Brunei to Sarawak
Thirty years ago, Hedley, with his wife Mary and daughter Katie, visited the Nish caves in Sarawak, East Malaysia. They traveled by car, boat and ferry.

They set off from Bandar Seri Begawan, the capital of Brunei and drove to the border with Sarawak. They crossed two large rives by ferry, stopped In Miri for lunch and then continued to Niah, a small river township. Thin they hired a small boat and sailed upriver to a government rest house, where they spent the night. They ate with the small group of scientists who lived in the rest house and shared the cold drinks they had brought with them in a cool box. It was a remote spot, deep in the jungle. They slept in bunk beds with no air conditioning. It was a novel experience.

The next morning, they walked along a jungle path for half an hour until they reached the Niah caves. Inside the caves, which were very high, they saw men who climbed up tall bamboo poles. The men wore lights on their hats because it was so dark. At the top of the poles they scraped off birds’ nests from the roof of the caves. The nests were collected by their mates on the cave floor and packed into sacks. These nests were later sold and made into bird’s nest soup, a Chinese delicacy.

That afternoon, they said goodbye to their new-found friends in the rest house and set off on the long drive home. It was quite an adventure and one they would never forget.
( 266 words )

Monday, November 8, 2010

Synonym Match

Downing tools
Going on strike
See eye to eye

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Compare and contrast: The Abu Dhabi & Samha
In all the world there are small towns and  big towns. There are some people who like a big town because they can get all facilities and some of them like to stay in a small town which is quieter. Now, I am going to compare and contrast between them.
There are two or three similarities and differences between both towns. The first similarity is that both of them have services, such as schools, hospitals and parks. The second similarity is  education: both have good education. The third similarity is that the electricity and water you can find in both places.
Although there are similarities, also there are several differences between them. The first difference is that a big city has more cars and noise. In addition, a small city is quieter and has few cars. Another difference is that in a small town there are more friends and you can visit your relative any time. In a big city it is completely different even your neighbors you do not know. Finally, in a big town you can find huge shops for shopping in many places but in a small city you can get one place; also sometimes you have to go to a big city.
All in all, I prefer to live in a small town because it’s a quieter place and it has less traffic. However, a big city is good for those who work there.
249 words
We have to write about compare and contrast. It should not be less than 200 words. In addition, the essay normally has 4 paragraphs.
1-Firstly, the introduction: the headline of the essay.
2-The second paragraph: similarities, 2 or 3 sentences.
3-The third paragraph: differences, 3 or 4 sentences.
4-Conclusion: my opinion or idea.

57 words

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

In the past there was no  UAE. It was seven separate Emirates until in 1971 it became one country called the UAE. My grandfathers life  was difficult and he built his life. Nowadays, our life is different. So, I will compare and contrast two of them,the UAE in the past and now.
There are several clear similarities between then and now. The first similarity is that the traditions are still the same, for example in dress kandorh for the man and abayah for the woman. Another similarity is that the culture and religion are still Islam.
Although there are some similarities between the past and present, there are also two major differences. The first difference is the education. Now we have everywhere in the city or in the suburbs schools and universities. Thirty years ago it was very difficult to get in any place and also there were very small schools . The second difference is transport and medicine. Before they travelled by camel and the medicine was from  some of the trees. Now they travel by car with wide roads and in the clinics, which are any place in the city ,we can get modern drugs and medicine.  
All in all, the differences outweigh the similarities. In my opinion, thirty years ago life was simple but very hard. I think today life is better than before.

Monday, October 4, 2010

In procedure essays you have to start with three paragraphs. First, the introductions must be between 25 and 30 words and Hedley said it should be clear. The second step is that the body must be at least 100 words and we have to use words like next, after that, then, also and finally. The third paragraph is the conclusion and we must follow the procedure correctly.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


                    The flowchart shows how to make butter by hand and also it shows the steps one by one until the butter  is in a fridge. Now, I am going to write about the procedure for making butter, step by step.
First, I have to make sure the milk is fresh. Also it should be checked for fat content . Second, the fresh milk must be left in a cool area. After that, we have to separate the cream. The next step is to churn the cream for some time. Then drain the butter milk from the butter. Next place the butter in a jar. After that, wash the butter with cold water to remove remaining buttermilk  because we need pure butter. Then, add a small amount of salt for flavor . Then, cut and wrap the butter. Finally, in the end we store the butter in a fridge.
As you can see, this is how to make butter step by step and quickly. If we follow these steps we can make butter by hand.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


In the past in some of Abu Dhabi areas there was no ATM machines .Nowadays , we can get in any places an ATM .Now I am going to write about the ATM machine benefits.
There are several important things for the ATM .The major importance is that the people need the ATM to get money from the machine any time .For instance ,if I am going to the mall or somewhere and I need money it is very easy to get it from an ATM machine .The ATM is very important in our lives .If there is no ATM it is very hard for a and it takes time because we have to wait in line .Finally  ,the ATM machine  keeps our money in a safe place. For example, some people like to keep a little amount in the pocket and when they need money they can go to the ATM and take it.
All in all, the ATM  machine is a very good invention. All people  are using the ATM daily because they take money when they need it.