Sunday, December 26, 2010

How orange juice is made
For a long time people like to drink orange juice .The orange is rich in vitamin C .People drink to be more  healthy. Now, I am going to explain to you all the steps for making orange juice.
Firstly, the fruit is unloaded from trucks. The second step is the fruit it graded and washed. After that, the fruit is sized. Then, the juice is extracted. Then, the waste is fed to the animals. After that, the juice is evaporated at high temperature for a short time. Next, the concentrate juice is sent to refrigerated storage. Then, the orange juice is sent to the canning machine. After that, the juice is bottled and shipped. Then, the concentrated juice is sent to Dubai. Then, the water is added to the concentrate. Finally, the orange juice bottles are sent to the market.
In conclusion, as you see making orange juice is not difficult if you follow the procedure step by step. It is very easy.
( 169 WORDS )

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