Wednesday, September 29, 2010


                    The flowchart shows how to make butter by hand and also it shows the steps one by one until the butter  is in a fridge. Now, I am going to write about the procedure for making butter, step by step.
First, I have to make sure the milk is fresh. Also it should be checked for fat content . Second, the fresh milk must be left in a cool area. After that, we have to separate the cream. The next step is to churn the cream for some time. Then drain the butter milk from the butter. Next place the butter in a jar. After that, wash the butter with cold water to remove remaining buttermilk  because we need pure butter. Then, add a small amount of salt for flavor . Then, cut and wrap the butter. Finally, in the end we store the butter in a fridge.
As you can see, this is how to make butter step by step and quickly. If we follow these steps we can make butter by hand.

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