Wednesday, March 9, 2011

In the UAE people were very thin and more healthy because they working and moving a lot. Nowadays, many things are available such as technology which makes our life easy. People are not moving and not doing any exercise. Now, I am doing to write about obesity in the UAE.
There are many people in our country having many problems in the health. The main problem is from overweight in many people. Unfortunately most of the people are not doing exercise and are eating fast food four to five times per day. They are playing a lot of games and always feeling more relaxed and also sleeping for along time. Also in the children problems start because they are always eating from McDonalds and KFC. The fast food company make advertisements to catch the customer and it becomes a bad habit in our children. Some families do not comity advise this children and so they cannot get any solution for this problem.
The obesity in the UAE has increased in the children and adults. It makes disaster in our contemporary society. The government has started to control the solution and to decrease the overweight in people. They made a very long cornice with lots of facilities for example, play by cycling, swimming and also you can walk and run. In advertisement they brought famous footballers to the country to show that health is very important in our life and we have to same our life from obesity by doing any exercise daily by walking for half an hour.
As a result, there are some ideas to help solve the problem. Saying that, it is essential that every one must become involved, including government and hospital. If a lasting solution  is going to be found. Otherwise, the problem could become a major risk and even cause of death.
( 310 words )

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