Wednesday, October 6, 2010

In the past there was no  UAE. It was seven separate Emirates until in 1971 it became one country called the UAE. My grandfathers life  was difficult and he built his life. Nowadays, our life is different. So, I will compare and contrast two of them,the UAE in the past and now.
There are several clear similarities between then and now. The first similarity is that the traditions are still the same, for example in dress kandorh for the man and abayah for the woman. Another similarity is that the culture and religion are still Islam.
Although there are some similarities between the past and present, there are also two major differences. The first difference is the education. Now we have everywhere in the city or in the suburbs schools and universities. Thirty years ago it was very difficult to get in any place and also there were very small schools . The second difference is transport and medicine. Before they travelled by camel and the medicine was from  some of the trees. Now they travel by car with wide roads and in the clinics, which are any place in the city ,we can get modern drugs and medicine.  
All in all, the differences outweigh the similarities. In my opinion, thirty years ago life was simple but very hard. I think today life is better than before.

Monday, October 4, 2010

In procedure essays you have to start with three paragraphs. First, the introductions must be between 25 and 30 words and Hedley said it should be clear. The second step is that the body must be at least 100 words and we have to use words like next, after that, then, also and finally. The third paragraph is the conclusion and we must follow the procedure correctly.