Sunday, May 22, 2011

In the past smoking was accepted in the public places. Nowadays, smoking has become one of the most dangerous. However, I feel that smoking is harmful in some ways. Now, I am going to write about the smoking.
The first point I would like to make is that people feel it is improving their concentration at work or writing. The second point is that smoking helps people to relax because tobacco contains; for instance smoking before an exam. Another point is that it makes people feel bossy because they imagine that smoking is a royal way and most of the kings smoke. The last point is some people have many problems so they smoke to take the bad memory or stop thinking of it.
I think there are also many argument that support the statement. I believe the main point is that smoking is extremely dangerous to health. For example; heart disease and cancer have both been linked to smoking and it is written on ever packet of cigarettes. Another point is that the is smokes are affecting anybody sitting beside them too because passing smokes are breathing carbon dioxide with the smoke. The final point is the smoke can kill some helpful pants in the yard or at home.
In conclusion, I feel that the word would be a better place without tobacco or smoking. Some places, like restaurants, malls and home should have healthy air without any smoke.

Argument: Should using mobile phones be banned while driving?

There are a lot of drivers who drive while using mobile phones. However, sometimes drivers must use their mobile phones. In this easy I will look at using mobile while driving and discuss both sides of the argument.

First let us look at why using mobile while driving is dangerous. Many accidents are caused by mobile. For example, if drivers aren’t using the mobile, they will drive safely and then they will concentrate on their driving. Secondly, if illegal then police can stop people on the road. For example, if there is a law then police are able to enforce it and give people tickets. Finally, the traffic fines will help pay for traffic safety programs.

Now let us look at why using mobile while driving should be legal. I think the most important point is that you can stop and complete your call on side of the road. The second point, sometimes you have on important call and you not have headphone. Finally, businessmen need to talk on their phones while going to an appointment.

In conclusion, there are both sides, par and cons, regarding using mobile while driving. In my opinion, using mobile phone while driving is dangerous but people should be allowed to use mobiles because they have an important calls.
Line Graph Population ( growth  1750 to 2150 )
In this line graph, we can see the population growth in poorer and richer countries from 1750 and 2150. The graph was done by the United Nations World Population Prospects, the 1998 Revision, and estimates by the Population Reference Bureau.

          In 1750 the total world population was about one billion and the population of less developed countries more than the developed countries. It was slightly increasing since 1800 to 1950. From 1950 to 2050 estimated to shot up from 1.5 billion to 7.5 billion in less developed countries, which is not in developed countries. The estimate shows that in 2150 the population will be about 1 billion in more developed countries and in less developed countries will be about 10 billion.

          From the car, they estimate in 2150 the less developed countries will increase about double from now 2011, and it will be stable in more developed countries.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Table: Underground Rail System
The table shows information in five major cities about the underground train systems operating. Now I will tell you the differences between them.
In 1863 the London underground train system opened and the length was 394 KMs which is the longest in these cities and it carried 77 million passengers in 2010. Paris opened in 1900 and Tokyo in 1927 and for the length in KM there is only a slight difference. For the passengers there is also a small difference. Kyoto and Boston both opened in the last thirty years. Boston is more than Kyoto for the length in KMs by around 17 KMs. In addition, there is a minimal difference between them in passenger numbers. Finally, Kyoto has the shortest length in KMs of all this cities.
In conclusion, the highest numbers of passengers was carried in Paris and Tokyo. Kyoto has the shortest length.
( 154  words )

Friday, May 6, 2011

Hurricanes and Tornadoes

The table shows the differences between two very strong winds, hurricanes and tornadoes.
There are many features of the winds. The minimum wind speed for hurricanes is 74 miles per hour, whereas for tornadoes it is 40 miles per hour. However the maximum wind speed for hurricanes is between 155 to 200 miles per hour, whereas tornadoes have got 250 to 300 miles per hour. The hurricane classification scale is the Saffir, Simpson C1to C5, whereas the tornadoes classification scale is the Fujita F0 to F5. Hurricanes can last one week on average, but tornadoes only last a few minutes or sometimes up to a few hours. In addition a hurricane has 300 miles of average width of storm. However tornadoes have 100 to 600 meters and some up to 1.5 km wide. Hurricanes can usually be predicted in advance, whereas tornadoes can’t. Finally, hurricanes start over warm oceans, but tornadoes usually start over land.
Overall, I think that the tornadoes are much more dangerous than hurricanes and the maximum wind also for the tornadoes is higher than for hurricanes.
Bar Graph Of City Growth From 1950-2015
The bar graph shows the population from 1950-2015 in nine major cities over the past sixty years.
The highest growth of population was in Tokyo; it has a population of 25 million. However, the lowest growth of population has got in London at 8 million. Between 1950 and 2000 sharply increased of the population it was in New York. Bomby and Mexico city had the same population in 2000. In 2015 the three fastest growing cities were Tokyo, Bomby and  Lagos. Shanghi has growth of 10 million from 1950 to 2015. Between 1950 and 2015 Mexico city increase from less than 5 million. Cairo has a gradual increase of population, but it does rise to more than 12 million. In London the population from 1970 to 2015 shows a slow decrease. Lagos has the fastest growth of all cities. Finally, in Sao Paolo the population hugely increase from 1970 to 2015.
In conclusion, Lagos is the fastest growing city, but Tokyo has the biggest population. While London is the slowest growing city in the bar graph.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

In the past there were only a few cars in streets in Abu Dhabi and people easy to move from place to other place. However, Nowadays, people is suffer from traffic congestion and the cars bumper to bumper in the road city. In this essay I am going to write about the causes and the solutions for these problems.
There are many causes traffic problems. The major reason is that the growing population for instance, the numbers of cars per house hold. Another reason is that the constructions. In Abu Dhabi  there are many repairs and developments in streets which make the drivers drive slowly and also it increase the number of tracks. Yet another reason is that the young drivers. The most accidents are caused by them.
There are many causes of the problems also there is many solution reasons. The main reasons of the solution is that the to improve the road system with more bridges; overpasses, subway and so on. Another solution is that they have to build bridges links between city with the major places for example, Abu Dhabi with Mussafah which a lot of people going and coming.
All in all, there is no simple solution to this problem because it has many causes ,but the effects are damaging both the city and the people who live there. The government should try to remedy this problems.